Batteries and planetary shields protect your planet from opposing fleets. Success on the mission depends on the stats of the character in question.

Main article: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series. Make a SaveGame folder under the installation folder.Main article: Star Wars: Jedi Knight series. Copy Rebellion\DIRECTX\d3drm.dll into the installation folder. Go to the Star Wars Rebellion CD contents. The best place to try to click is below the planet and to the right, where a large system energy bar would end. If your window is too far down or right, the popup appears outside of the window bounds and you can't see it. So, if your game window is in the upper left corner of the screen, then the popup appears. Star Wars Rebellion (which is billed as Star Wars Supremacy in the United Kingdom) is a real-time grand strategy game that will have you managing everything from mining resources to recruiting missions to launching full scale assaults on enemy planets in an attempt to take control of the galaxy! Where does the popup appear in Star Wars Rebellion?

What kind of game is Star Wars Rebellion? It's a strategy game, set in a managerial, sci-fi / futuristic, licensed title and 4x themes. Star Wars: Rebellion (aka Star Wars: Supremacy) is a video game published in 1998 on Windows by LucasArts. Frequently Asked Questions When did Star Wars Rebellion come out for Windows?